On August 1, 2017, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) introduced a new reporting system for submitting injury and illness data electronically. While use of the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) will not be mandatory until later this year, covered employers are advised to be aware of the system, how it works, and how their information will be used.
Which organizations are covered by OSHA’s electronic record-keeping rule?
The electronic record-keeping rule applies to firms that are covered by OSHA’s record-keeping regulations and that have 250 or more employees. Businesses in certain high-risk industries are covered if they have 20 or more employees. (Note: Requirements are based on the size of the establishment (physical location), not the firm.)
Do I have to start using the system now?
While the ITA is now available for use, electronic reporting for covered organizations will not be mandatory until December 1, 2017.
How do I access the new system?
The ITA is available online at https://www.osha.gov/injuryreporting/ita, where new users can create an account and existing users can log in.
How does the system work?
Employers may enter the data from Form 300A (injury and illness log) and Form 301 (incident reports for each injury/illness) in one of three ways:
- Enter the data manually into a web form
- Upload a CSV file for single or multiple establishments
- Transmit data electronically via an API (application programming interface)
For detailed instructions on using the system, visit the OSHA web page.
What will OSHA do with the information I submit?
In an effort to encourage employers to place greater emphasis on safety, OSHA has indicated that some of the data submitted could be made available to the public on the agency’s website. The organization has since clarified that any personally identifiable data will be removed before the information is published, but the rule continues to be controversial, with opponents claiming that it will be harmful to employers.
Where can I find more information?
For more information and specific instructions on using the ITA, visit the OSHA web page.